Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One Week Later...

We've only had our chicks for a week. They have grown so much in just 7 days. The Americaunas are the biggest. They seem to be growing exponentially faster than some of the others. All of them have grown their wing feathers and are beginning to get tail feathers. A few can fly up a few inches to the top of the piece of siding I put into the brooder in the morning to separate them so I can check each one to be sure it's healthy. Here are some pictures...can I tell you just how difficult it is to get clear pictures of little critters that move so much and so quickly?

Here they all are in the brooder.

This is the sweetest chick. She comes running to us when we go to the brooder and talk. She loves to be held. The flash made the photo a little too bright. She's a Buff Orpington. There is a Black Australorp who also likes to be held.

The weather is so beautiful this week. Haley did her math outside yesterday. You can tell by her attire how warm it is. Unfortunately it is my turn with the virus that has been plaguing our home. I've had a fever for 5 days! Ugh! The only good thing is that everyone else has had it so I can't infect anyone.

Here are our lettuces and peas growing!

Tinks enjoying the sun...acting like a "real dog."


Jenny said...

Wow! Your peas are up already? I think I need to replant mine--this time without two-year-old help.

ptmom said...

Two year olds make good helpers! Did it get cold where you are? I thought we might have had frost a couple nights but doesn't seem to have bothered any of the plants so far as we can tell.