Friday, March 16, 2012

Down Jersey Celtic Festival 2012

 The kids played for their 2nd year at the Down Jersey Celtic Festival on Sunday. (Haley's 3rd year since she played without her brothers the first year.) Besides my kids and their dancing friend, Francesca, this year the show consisted of a local pipe and drum  band, wonderful harpers/multi-instrumentalists from Ireland Grainne and Billy, and a local dance school.

They played at the local community college which has a very nice theater, to a sold out crowd. I couldn't take pictures during the event though we did get a little video which is posted above...I tried to post it below but somehow it went to the top. (hmmmm) I did snap some shots during the sound check, though.
Sound Check.

Dylan camera would not focus on the kids and Francesca at the same time. Ugh!!

They love this wall at the theater.

They are all laughing because they are all sitting on Dylan's lap. LOL

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