Sunday, May 06, 2012

Busking with Friends...

 On Friday, Paraic called and asked if Haley and Dylan wanted to come to the city to busk with him today because there was a festival going on in the area and there would be lots of people.

His real reason was to have some time to practice with Haley because he has been sending her tune ideas and they have been working out sets together so they can play more at gigs. He sends her exciting tunes that she loves to learn. They both know a ton of tunes but not all the same ones so playing more and more together has helped them learn each others' tunes.

They were not part of the festival so were sitting on a friend's front stoop and there were venders in front of them so they didn't have many people come back behind to drop money in their case (lots of people stood and clapped on the other side) so it was not a very profitable day. But they had a lot of fun together and got to practice. At various times they were joined by other musicians who played along or sang. It was perfect weather and we enjoyed walking around the festival afterward to see the vender's wares.

One thing we need to remember is to have Haley wear capris or jeans when busking because you never know where you'll end up sitting.

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