Saturday, May 18, 2013


I think we are inadvertently starting a dog-sitting service. We often watch our neighbor's dog when they go away. Hershey stays in his outside kennel and one of us, usually the boys, walks over a couple times a day to let him run or take him for a walk and feed him. He'd a good dog and listens really well.

This week, an Irish music friend who often has house sessions, asked us to take care of his dog while his family went away to his daughter's wedding. He brought Loki over on Wednesday night and Loki made himself right at home. He fit himself right into our family. He and Tinks get along great with just a little butt sniffing now and then. He sleeps with one of the kids on a rotating schedule. I got him a chew rope which he rolls around on the floor with or retrieves for us. He is a great dog! (If it weren't for the shedding hair, we'd probably try to keep him.)

Today Haley's Civil War Diaries class had a table set up at Vineland Founders' Day. The table had Civil War items the kids made like lanterns and hardtack, their Civil War lap books, and other period items.

We couldn't stay long because Haley's orchestra concert was also today but she had fun. She met President Abraham Lincoln and his bodyguard.

 She met some Confederate soldiers. Her character for her Civil War diary is Caroline, a violin playing Confederate spy.

 Well, I should have trimmed the photo to take out the cars but I thought this looked so "Little House on the Prairie."

Haley did a quick change in the car as we drove through traffic to PRYSM's orchestra concert. I am always impressed with what those kids accomplish in a few months. They sounded great!

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