Sunday, March 25, 2007


Last night we took the kids out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. A scary proposition, I know, but they behaved beautifully and received many pleasant compliments from other diners.

After dinner we attended the Bay Atlantic Symphony at the local college. As we were waiting to go into the auditorium, Haley struck up a conversation with some elderly people working an information desk. One elderly gentleman came over to compliment her skirt and she and he discussed her violin playing for about 15 minutes. I am always surprised at how articulate she is. Then her substitute teacher from the summer, Teacher Amanda, stopped on her way in to say,"Hi!" She was a first violinist in the symphony and sat right in the front. Haley liked being able to see her play and it made the concert even more interesting for her.

We sat next to an elderly woman who had a sketchpad full of drawings she does at concerts. They were of syphony members playing, the conductor, and people in the audience. Her work was amazing. Haley was so excited to see the instruments we had studied the past few weeks in our book on orchestra.

The kids enjoyed the program. It started at 8pm and we had all gotten up at 5:15am to take Newt to his district wrestling tournament so Haley fell asleep after the first piece, which was 40 minutes long. She stared and stared at the violin soloist as she played. The music was so soothing and beautiful. It is hard to imagine being able to play those complicated violin pieces by memory but I guess you work up to it. Now I understand how they have to practice for so many hours each day. One piece can be almost an hour long itself.


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