Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Eat like a Roman...and a Greek...

Yesterday we finished up our unit on Ancient Greece and began our study of the Roman Empire. We decided to have a meal featuring food like they would have eaten in Ancient Greece and Rome. The kids and I worked hard preparing cinnamon rolls (R), bean salad (R), spinach triangles (G), garlic bread (R), and lemon oregano chicken (G). The chicken was only because we were unable to find dormouse to stuff or flamingo at the local grocery store.

All the dishes turned out deliciously though Haley decided she only liked the chicken and the cinnamon rolls. I was a little surprised that they tasted good because some of our other tries at authentic cooking were pretty lousy...think Viking bread (yuck!).

Our neighbor gave us a small pool they had from last year because someone gave them a larger one. Ritch and Dylan put it up last night while I took Newt to wrestling practice. I am sure the kids will get tons of enjoyment in that this summer when we don't have time to go to Poppop's to swim. I imagine splashing in the pool singing out times tables and Spanish/Latin vocabulary (ha,ha).

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