Monday, January 22, 2007

Wonderful concert...

Okay, so after some decongestant, Haley did a wonderful job at her concert. She did, however, fall asleep shortly after playing and slept through the rest of the concert. Not that she does not enjoy violin music. The combination of a cold plus decongestant added to a lot of excitement and a 2 hour concert was just a little tiring I guess.

Tomorrow we go to buy a larger size violin. Her teacher thinks that she is finally outgrowing the 1/16th size and needs to move up to a 1/10th. So we are off to the city and after that to violin lessons. Home from there and then to gumdo then wrestling. We have had a couple easy weekends with no wrestling tournaments but this weekend we have one Saturday and another Sunday. We have two weeks like that then wrestling will slow down again.

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