Thursday, December 12, 2013

Let It Snow!

Haley and I spent Saturday night in New York so she could have a lesson early on Sunday. We had heard on the news they were expecting some light snow or a dusting. When we left New York at 11am, it looked and smelled like snow but there was none falling. We drove 90 minutes before we hit the first snow flakes and it got bad really quickly! No plows or salt trucks out. Inches of snow on the road. We couldn't go over 20 mph without our tail end sliding. We saw 29 hits car, car hits tree, car in ditch, car hit guardrail.

At one point, I pulled off an exit so we could get gas, take a potty break, and grab a bite to eat since we hadn't eaten since morning. I also needed a break to let my hands relax from white knuckling the steering wheel. I thought about calling a friend to ask if we could crash for the night but after the quick break, I decided to try and get home. We went 4 mph with a lot of stopping and traffic between two exits about 20 miles from home and I thought we might never make it but we eventually did 7 hours after we left NY!

Then it rained all night and the snow melted off the roads so Monday night we went to Paraic's new session in Media. I took those pictures last week. Dylan came with us Monday night but I didn't take any photos then.

Tuesday was another day of snow but the roads stayed pretty clear so I was able to work a few hours and take Haley to a violin lesson. If this is a sign of things to come, we are going to have a really snowy winter! Yuck!

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