Sunday, June 03, 2012

Another Busy Weekend...Part 1.

Okay...last weekend was not busy. We actually stayed home mostly except to go to Grammy and Poppop's for a Memorial Day swim...4 hours in the pool!

This weekend, however, must be split into a couple different blog posts. Mostly because I am trying to catch up on blog posts. I have kind of neglected my blog lately and who knows when I will get a chance to get to it again.

Friday night, Haley and Dylan were asked to perform at a Ceili (Irish dance for those who aren't regular blog readers here) for the LAOH, a wonderful group who helped us with our Ireland fundraising efforts last year. The kids' performance was a thank-you to them for their help. The usual ceili band players were there. It was pouring rain so the attendance was not as high as expected and some were late in arriving so they asked the kids to play a bit prior to the dancing and then again during the break. During the dancing, the kids either played with the band or danced. Haley knew many of the dances and Dylan even joined in on a few.

Haley with the ceili band

Haley and Dylan performing together

Look! They are dancing...together!

So, Friday night ceili then Saturday morning performance for the the 1st anniversary of the local farmer's market. It as a tough venue...lots of noise from passing cars and a tractor motor powered ice cream maker. The kids played together with Tala singing for them and Francesca dancing. They drew a nice sized crowd and did a great job together.

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