Saturday, July 03, 2010

Gardening and hummingbirds...

I don't know if you can see him but the male hummingbird who has begun feeding at our kitchen window is sitting on the feeder to the right. A male and female visit the feeder regularly every evening. I've even seen them feeding each other...what looks like kissing. I wonder if their nest is nearby.

Below are pics of the garden behind our house. Haley's sunflowers are over 9 feet tall and the first is just beginning to bloom. Many plants in the garden look almost prehistoric in proportion like the zucchini and those sunflowers. There are dozens and dozens of green tomatoes, watermelons, peppers, and pole limas growing. We have gotten peas, string beans, potatoes, salad, and more zucchini than I care to discuss already. Our blueberry bushes were just planted this year so still little but we did get a handfull of ripe blueberries every other day for about 2 weeks. The herbs are also growing well and I've used them to season the other vegetables we've grown.

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